A few things about Jewish life

Today’s questions is a mixture and not a single one as normal but if you sent me a question and it seems to not have been answered please send it again as I am changing the back end system so they don’t go missing.

What are some things that you do daily as a part of your religion?

What misconceptions are there about your religion?

How does your religion help you get through tough times? 

What should a believer in your religion do before they die?

What happens to someone who doesn’t believe in your religion in the afterlife?

Can I join the Jewish faith?


What are some things that you do daily as a part of your religion?

Studying the Torah daily where possible, staying kosher and following as many mitzvot as I can do. Outside of the religious life is pretty much the same as anyone else.

What misconceptions are there about your religion?

The major thing I would have to say is that Judaism stops with the Christian “Old Testament” and that there is nothing else at all and can learn everything about Judaism by just reading the “Old Testament”.

This is not true at all. While the Old Testament is mostly based on the
Tanakh, it is the stories and Rabbis’ understanding of the eras of those texts.

If you want to learn a Jewish point of view I would recommend a Jewish Study Bible which would be a good start but trust me there is a reason both The Simpsons and Family Guy jokes about saying – “What do YOU think?”.

How does your religion help you get through tough times? 

The major thing isn’t the religion itself, it is the overall community. I imagine it could be different elsewhere but I never felt excluded from the overall community and I could go to pretty much any Jewish community and feel like family.

What should a believer in your religion do before they die?

Two important things to do – live according to the Torah and to live a good and honest life. What we do now to each other and ourselves is far more important than worrying about what will happen afterwards.

What happens to someone who doesn’t believe in your religion in the afterlife?

The same that happens to a Jew. Unlike most other western religions, most Jews don’t believe in an afterlife such as “heaven and hell” but instead that we are revived in the world to come (HaOlam HaBa) with eternal life with those living a good life coming back – Jew or not. Jews are expected to follow many more rules than a non-Jew and its something I will go into further detail on this website in future.

In other words, assuming non-Jews follow the seven laws of Noah they are a Ger toshava and will be welcomed in the world to come.

It is worth saying there is two places known as Olam Haba, Gan Eden & Gehinom which is like the Christian Heaven and Hell but Gehinom isn’t forever for those that go there. I recommend looking into this further if you are interested.

Can I join the Jewish faith?

You can indeed but it is something to think about deeply. Unlike many other religions, you do not need to convert to Judaism to “be saved” or anything on those lines. What matters is to live an honest and good life and honour G’d in your actions. You will find helping out at a food bank, that old lady down the road and much more to be awarded to yourself.

There is a movement known as Noahidism which explains the above in far more detail but if Judaism still appeals to your heart then contact your local Rabbi.

Reference Me

Kyle ben Avraham Avinu (קייל בן אברהם אבינו) (2019) A few things about Jewish life. [online] Ask a Jew. Available at: https://askajew.co.uk/question/a-few-things-about-jewish-life/ [Accessed 14 Mar 2025]