What does the Talmud look like

I have bee asked to provide Talmud books for a theatre prop. I will print the back cover and spine but don’t know what to put on the other (right cover. Is there anything printed? I cannot find any pictures online. Thank you?

So today’s question is about the Talmud. Honestly, your question doesn’t really have much of an answer as the Talmud (and assuming you ain’t speaking about the Torah would have a far different answer) comes in many different styles.

Talmuds written in Hebrew are read right to left and the covers are done accordingly and languages read left to right have a cover like a typical book. The cover typically says what version of the Talmud and the back the publisher and such. If you just pop on Amazon you will see many versions of the Talmud being sold with most of them just looking like a typical book.

So in your case, I would just find a Talmud published in the area of where your performance is based on and recreate based on that.

Reference Me

Kyle ben Avraham Avinu (קייל בן אברהם אבינו) (2020) What does the Talmud look like. [online] Ask a Jew. Available at: https://askajew.co.uk/question/what-does-the-talmud-look-like/ [Accessed 22 Feb 2025]